ABM Tactics

5 Noteworthy Instances of ABM Executed Flawlessly



If marketers are to approach high-value accounts as part of their ABM strategy, it’s always helpful to play off of the success other marketers have had. By mimicking the tactics of ABM innovators in the craft, marketers can see similar success.

An ABM strategy that brings in significant returns is an ABM strategy that has highly personalized ads. Too often are marketers faced with a dizzying amount of marketing material from other companies that is ill-prepared, ill-advised, and ill-personalized. To help stem the tide of improperly prepared and executed ABM campaigns, it helps to look at more than a few tactics of companies that did ABM the right way. 

The first tactic is known as the “pizzanar,” which means exactly how it sounds. It’s a webinar presentation accompanied by pizza. It’s a fantastic way to keep prospects’ attention and make sure that people will actually attend. But it’s more than simply pizza, as it can be a personalized lunch effort to whatever the prospect would like. It can be used in a variety of stages in the customer lifecycle and buyer’s journey, from wake-the-dead, to land-and-expand, to renewal and up-sell. 

The second tactic is content experiences made-to-order. Specifically, this tactic involves working with sales reps to deliver 1:1 account-based campaigns to a client. But this isn’t typically a conversion-driven tactic as much as it is a credibility-driven tactic. The strategy is to establish credibility first, and engage when the prospect engages with other content. This is useful when marketers are trying to cultivate higher engagement numbers, or when expanding to those companies that marketers are already familiar with.

The next tactic, normally put in reserve for top priority accounts, is doing as much research as possible into the buying committee of a target account. Much more than that, it is also acting on that information in the form of direct-mail to those relevant persons. Send them something interesting, relevant to their interests, like a personalized comic book. This tactic is good for when marketers want to put their best foot forward with high-value accounts.

Next, the following tactic involves billboarding. It requires bravery. This translates to being as so bold as to call out the company desired by name in a billboard. Great for getting attention, but a similar variant of this tactic can be applied in any capacity where observation can be leveraged. In-person events, in other words.

The last tactic is interactive product launches. Engaging with a prospect in an interactive way with a product that taps into emotions is very helpful. That said, this tactic is not restricted to simply physical product launches. It could be an interactive computer program. But the main item to consider when launching a product interactively is that it helps if it’s as visual as possible. 

Original article from Terminus on 9 May 2019. 

The ABM Journal

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