ABM TacticsTech

The Lazy Marketer’s Way to Bolster ABM Program Data



Use the freshest data to supplement ABM programs. Data mine automated replies for up-to-date contact information in an account and for new leads.

A common thread marketers see when practicing ABM is that many of the traditional terms used to define aspects in marketing are thrown out and substituted. For instance, a marketer now qualifies accounts, not leads.

With that said, while accounts are targeted, to earn the business of an account in the first place, marketers do need to begin with the individual. They may be on the buying team of an account, but they are still individual leads and should be treated as such.

Without access to these individual people on the buying team, the whole account cannot be collectively engaged. It may seem like a lot of work is involved, but there are methods to make this process of individual targeting less grueling.

The easiest way to find qualified individuals in an ABM strategy is to search accounts closely matching their ICP. Many businesses struggle how to actually do this. 

Ever try using the inbox? Individuals specific to a particular account can be easily accessed through it. More specifically, pay attention to every reply e-mail obtained through e-mail marketing efforts, including automated replies. Mine these for data so that accounts can be more accurately targeted.

Specific types of these automated replies can tell marketers different pieces of information. For example, the generic Out-Of-Office (OOO) e-mail response can confirm that an e-mail address is still in use. OOO e-mails tend to specify three things: when somebody is leaving and returning, who can be contacted as an alternative, and contact information, such as title and phone number. Marketers can use these kinds of details to refresh what is known about an account.

Another example of an automated response that could be data-mined is Left-The-Company (LTC) emails. In those communications, marketers can eliminate bad e-mail addresses from their contact list and engage with the desired person at their new company. Replacement contacts can be added if the LTC refers to another person that can be contacted in the interim.

Getting in front of those interim contacts is of vital importance because they may want to prove their worth to the company, which means trying different approaches and embracing new tactics. One of those new tactics may be to take on new accounts.

But either way, there’s no doubt about it—for ABM efforts in the B2B sphere, mining e-mails is a quick and easy way to grow your contact and business intelligence lists.

Original article from Business2Community on 19 March 2019. 

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