ABM StrategyABM Tactics

Top-Tier Target Account Segmentation Strategies for ABM



As marketers develop their ABM pilot programs, there will come a point where they have to scale them. Marketers may choose to scale their ABM programs with various types of account intelligence, including fit, intent, relationship, and engagement data. Marketers would do better to purchase account data. To manage that data, marketers may choose to use Terminus or spreadsheets. Terminus gets rid of having to manage the data by combining it into an account scorecard with a single view.

Pilot ABM programs are good—until it’s time to scale them. Because then you need to look at various types of account intelligence, as well as developing ABM strategies around existing data. There are many types of account data, including fit, intent, relationship, and engagement data. 

For fit data, marketers would want to use a combination of firmographic and technographic data to edge out the competition. But having firmographic and/or technographic data isn’t enough because other competitors may have different ideas. 

For intent data, marketers would want to scour third-party websites for signs that the account a marketer’s interested in is actively conducting research before a buy. With intent data, it’s all about knowing the exact point in time a prospect is conducting research. Marketers know that they’re doing it, intent data shows them when. Having this data broadens personalization options.

Relationship data measures the interactions marketers have with influencers of a target account. Having access to this kind of data allows marketers to segment it as well as know the score in terms of engagement specific to the relationship. 

Engagement data is all about how brands actively show interest. After all, if a brand is interacting with a content offer, they’re probably interested.

But as mentioned earlier, competitors may have other ideas for account data, which includes advanced account data. The bad news is that many accounts pay for the advanced kind of account intelligence.

There are many types of account intelligence providers, but none provide the same functionality as Terminus. There are many ways to effectively manage account data– usually, a platform would do that. But for marketers they can’t, won’t, or don’t use platforms, manual methods can be used

As marketers scale their ABM programs, there will be opportunities to manage workflow better. Terminus can help with that, but if manual is the way to go, then:

  • Identify the data desired for tracking
  • Build account spreadsheet based on it
  • Export a CSV file to each account tool and fill it out
  • Consolidate data and make sure account domains match
  • Create segments

It’s a lot of work. But using an account intelligence platform will make it easier.

Original article from Terminus on 25 June 2019. 

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