ABM Tactics

Where Are the Clients?



Traditionally, networking meant going out for drinks to talk shop and business. Lately, though, the networking that’s usually been taking place at a bar has shifted more towards the gym. More broadly speaking, marketers can use data points to coordinate meaningful networking events for the kind of people they’re trying to reach.

Digital marketing is all about getting leads and nurturing them to customers. In today’s technological landscape, though, leads are found in “real-life.”

And the places these networking leads are found are not the usual hotspots. More frequently, businesses are turning to data vendors to inform their networking events’ location.

For instance, take Doug Gorman. He works sales for the market research company, GlobalWebIndex data.  That company carries out thorough surveying of digital customers worldwide across a wide swath of data variables. According to Gorman, the company looks to a path of accelerated growth through a detailed analysis of the data they provide.

Gorman posted survey data from New York about the habits and lifestyles of those that responded to the survey. The data found that drinking was much less popular than going to the gym was. Gorman says he found these data points by tinkering with his company’s customer data platform.

Gorman goes on to say that his company gets hired because businesses want to understand their customers in further depth. To do that, businesses can even leverage their first-party data. If the numbers from that data bear out a preference for one thing or the other—say, food or alcohol—it is supplied accordingly. 

Be that as it may, there’s only so much usefulness marketers can get from this data. Obviously, if certain data points don’t align with what you’re marketing, what good are those numbers?

Having said that, in the current marketing landscape, personalization rules the day. And it will continue to evolve in this way as the world catches up. 

When all is said and done, what matters is what marketers do with the complete data they capture from leads. Understanding a person’s circumstances and what would motivate those people to action can help marketers “get them better.” Once marketers see the whole picture, relevant ads can become more personalized.

It’s all about how marketers can help people. And helping people solve problems is what marketing’s all about.

Original article from DM News on 17 June 2019. 

The ABM Journal

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