ABM Strategy

Marketing and Sales Teams Need to Personalize for Everyone



There are many touch points where a B2B marketer can influence a deal throughout the buyer’s journey. Among these areas are making the homepage relevant to every visitor, working together with sales, and swiftly and thoroughly answering support questions.

Although a lot can be found on the web about buyer or customer journeys, it’s important to remember that the B2B buyer’s journey is different for everyone. This means personalization is needed. And because broadly personalizing won’t cut it, personalizing at every stage of the buyer’s journey is a must.

For starters, businesses don’t want to miss out on potential sales before they can make the case to them that their product or service would serve them best. In that spirit, make sure the copy on the website is user-friendly and doesn’t turn them away. Next, specifically calling out a visitor on a website is a definite attention-grabber. Do this not only for the homepage, but every page. 

Canned experiences are no fun for anyone.

For sales teams, time is literally money. This is also true of Account-Based Marketing. Any time a visitor interacts with a website, ideally a salesperson would want to be alerted. The way this can be achieved is through e-mail notifications. 

As soon as someone completes a prescribed action on a specific website, sales can catch a whiff of an opportunity and be right there. For instance, if someone from a target account downloads an offer, an e-mail is shot to a sales representative, who can guide the prospect through. This way, sales can be freed from trying to attract prospects that aren’t ready yet. This tactic saves valuable time and money.

Personalization doesn’t stop when prospects become customers. Personalizing support solutions save a frustrated customer from aggravation. Mid-session offerings or 1:1 support are also great examples of personalized support. 

You can even automate personalized support. For example, when a prospect takes a certain action on a particular website, support calls can be rigged to go off. There, a sales rep can address customers when they need it in the moment. When done right, you’ll be able to retain your customers.

Of course, there are many other ways to personalize.  As a B2B marketer, it’s your job to put them to use. 

Original article from Business 2 Community on 12 February 2019. 

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